Are You Really Listening?

In this memoir, Bernice Simpson shares a brief synapse of several of her enlightening experiences to provide insight to healthcare professionals and families who are managing someone’s end-of-life care.  Through scripture and from personal experience as a nurse, she offers firsthand insight into hospice and the process for caring for patients or their loved ones. She also highlights the importance of active listening in improving the quality of care they provide.

“This book was written to inspire nurses as well as family members to be present during end of life because that is the final gift you can give someone, to (be) present in their time of need,” Simpson states. “Helping that person complete their final tasks so that all involved can have peace and closure. The importance of beneficial communication to acknowledge the loss but also be aware of the eternal life our heavenly father has given to us, which allows that person’s memory to live in you. While incorporating spirituality if desired and Ayurvedic treatments to improve the quality of life.”

“Are You Really Listening?” will appeal to those who want to learn more about end-of-life care from a nurse’s perspective.

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